
My Semi-Technical Blog

4 min read

It's the end of day 4 of my cold ever since I went on the yacht cruise. I had a feeling I would have been better off skipping out and studying like someone with no life instead of going out and having fun for a change. I wouldn't have lost so much time from work and studying. 

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6 min read

Today was the day of the end-of-internship celebration as quite a few interns supposedly are leaving this week. I was debating on going to begin with since it was 5:30 to 9:30 PM, meaning I would be missing out on 4 valuable hours of study time. I'm not concerned about whether or not I'll finish my project on time (since it's certain I will), so that is no longer a time issue.

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4 min read

Today I had my second mock interview (or third if you want to count the BS 20-minute one from last Wednesday with the HashSet). I was a little stressed in the half hour beforehand since screwing up in front of your manager is more embarrassing than in front of your mentor. Plus it might impact their opinion of you which might be an issue for final internship feedback if you screw up badly enough I'd imagine. Thankfully today didn't go like Friday though.

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7 min read

Thursday and Friday were long days of chugging through writing a unit test. Supposedly writing tests is supposed to be fun but I find it pretty boring, especially when it starts getting longer than the actual code it's supposed to test.

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