Everything is Awesome

2 min read

Today was a little different than usual. Besides the orientation classes and studying before starting our projects next week, we had 2 major events.

I'm sitting on giant Legos. Your argument is invalid. (they do actually fit together like real Legos)

We had a party for TGIAF at the end of the day with food, beer, ice cream from the Chinatown Ice Cream Factory, and a performance put on by the Asian Googler Network. Not long afterwards, we went to dinner to eat even more food. Not even in my first year of college with a dining hall in my basement did I eat this much food.

The Lego micro-kitchen

As it was also our first Thursday, many of the interns wore their propeller caps including myself. It's a tradition to wear them for our first TGIF (yes, even though it's not Friday for some reason), which took place a couple hours after TGIAF. This was held in Mountain View, which we live-streamed. This is where Googlers from around the world can ask Larry and Sergey questions after they share cool updates from the past week.

After it was over, it was around 8:30 PM. A few of us decided to play with Legos instead of heading on home.

Looking at the display, I saw a few college logos among other interesting and impressive creations proudly displayed on the shelves and decided to leave my own mark. Afterwards, I spent more time practicing on the scooter. I'm getting better... kind of.

My finished Lego creation

Part of the display plus the Lego UConn logo on the left

By the time we were all done with our creations it was 10:30 and high time to head back. Even full time employees were still there whizzing around on scooters that late at night. As a Googler I met at lunch told me, it's often tough to leave the office. 

Only one more day of orientation to go!

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