So Long, And Thanks For All The Swag

4 min read

My 14-week internship at Google has come to an end. Besides getting a massage and nothing productive done whatsoever, it was mostly saying goodbye to the familiar faces from around the office.

The smoothie guy who always knew what I was going to order (since it was the same thing every day) seemed sad when I said it was my last day. The massage therapist gave me a hug goodbye. The sushi chef actually gave me double the normal amount of sushi when I told him it was my last day.

I felt bad that I couldn't finish it all since I had a plate

Iloaded with my last free meal before asking for sushi to go

We had an exit meeting in the middle of the afternoon to turn in our borrowed hardware and laptops, which went pretty quickly. We each got a parting gift as we left.

It's one of those bottles that keeps liquid

cold for 24 hours or warm for 12 hours

I forgot my laptop charger at my workstation so I grabbed it right after the meeting and went back to the conference room to drop it off. The other interns had all left the room by then and it was just the two intern coordinators hanging around. They asked to make sure I had a good internship and said goodbye.

My second host thought since another intern on the team and I were both leaving that we and a few others from the team should all go to Chelsea Market to get ice cream to say goodbye.

Every time I left the building via the 9th Ave side I would stare at this sign and wonder how I even ended up here to begin with

After that, we hung around a bit in the office until leaving one by one wishing each other luck on conversion/future endeavors. I was the last to go since I was going to get dinner with someone else who was wrapping things up still.

After some code refactoring and documentation updates, we turned in our badges and left Google for the last time. I felt lost after turning mine in.

Not the best photo since this was taken first thing in the morning.

I don't think anybody actually likes their security photo.

Unfortunately, by the time we actually left the office there were no restaurants in Chelsea Market open so we went to the usual diner I go to just a block from my apartment. After a meal of some pretty good potato skins and chicken fingers, we parted ways.

I can't believe 14 weeks are already over. Last internship dragged on for what felt like an eternity but this one flew by. I was sad to leave Google but I am happy that I'm finally going home. This is by far the longest I've ever been away from home. 

I can't wait to breathe in fresh air, sleep in a decently-sized room, eat all the junk food I'm used to, and play video games again. I sure won't miss the cockroaches that have recently been invading my room. Just the night before my interviews I had to find and kill another one that was apparently attracted by an undiscovered dead roach that fell victim to one of the several roach traps I put in the room. Of course it couldn't die in the open, it had to do so under my bed so I would take longer to find and dispose of it.


The other one was smashed into oblivion by a swift swing of a flipflop

I also won't miss all of the sirens, honking, crowds, and off-putting smells of the city. A lot of people ask if I'll be back in the NYC office, but I doubt it even if conversion goes successfully. Unless, of course, I take the returning internship route and go back to my old team. If so, I'm going to have to live outside the city and deal with a long daily commute.

By early afternoon I should be homeward bound and starting my brief week-long break before the mayhem of my final year of college begins.

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