Close But No Cigar

3 min read

The usual Googler crowd is chatting and getting coffee around 11 am in 5BB. I open the door and step into the cafe and, on cue, Ozzy yells, "ALL ABOARD!! HAHAHAHAHAHA" as "Crazy Train" starts playing on the speakers. I march up to the smoothie counter and order a crazy-looking pride smoothie of 5 different colors and leave to start another code-filled day-- highlight of the day. (The smoothie was actually not that great since it was a bit too chewy. I couldn't even really drink it through the straw after letting it melt and bit and mixing it up.)

Today I spent most of the day hellbent on getting the first third of my project working. Without getting into the implementation, let's just say it's working but the service is attempting to whack its own nonexistent fake moles rather than the fake moles of the user that need to be whacked. So it's kind of like this:

Actually, a lot of programming for me hits this point before completion

Now I'm still very novice to the technologies I'm working with in order to complete my project (trust me, there is wayyy too much information to possibly absorb in a single summer), so I'm not 100% sure I'm right to say I have an issue with circular dependency. I got this idea pretty late as I had to write down a sequence and flow diagram and had to dig into the guts of the objects I was using to figure out a possible solution or workaround.

After figuring out 3 possible plans of action for Monday, I left the office not long after midnight. I wasn't there the entire night though, I and a few other interns went to see the new Inside Out movie. That's the third time I've been to a cinema in 5 weeks, which is surprising for me since before this internship I rarely ever went to see movies in theaters.

I thought it was pretty good. There were times when the packed theater was laughing and other times when it seemed some people were tearing up, which is pretty fitting I suppose when it's a movie about emotions. Although I as usual picked out a few flaws akin to what Cinema Sins does, I still enjoyed it. I'm hoping there's a sequel for when the real drama happens -- high school. They seem to have set it up for a sequel. But then again so did The Incredibles which, might I remind you, came out 11 years ago.

In the meantime, I'm going to try to catch up on my sleep and actually not go to the office tomorrow. I'm not making any promises for Sunday though after I march in the Pride Parade.

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