On a Roll Again

3 min read

Today I finally got my code working (minus one extra feature I'm supposed to add) so I'm pretty stoked about that. I won't describe all the tedious and technical steps I had to go through for each test run and code tweak (one run alone takes 5-10 minutes due to cluster latency/scheduling/file transfer), but after many tries it finally works. I'm still not done with my project though.

Aside from many hours coding, I got to attend our weekly TGIAF which had a lip sync contest. Since we're celebrating Pride Week, we were visited by a famous drag queen who ran the lip sync contest. 

Thankfully someone eventually went up there and fixed the P and E.

It was actually pretty fun although I didn't go up there and perform. Some people were pretty good and some had to wear wigs which made it more comical. I took a video of the best performance:

They also gave out t-shirts here for marchers in the Pride Parade on Sunday, which I will be marching in along with many of the other interns. Google even has its own float, which will include the Android version of the marchers shown on screens. This one's mine:

Me as an Android

After the event, I went to the usual Hemispheres dinner which I thought might be my last. Due to construction on presumably the floor above, there was what sounded like large objects falling, bouncing, and rolling near and above us for the entire dinner. I was almost convinced by how much noise the objects made when they hit the floor that they were going to come crashing through the ceiling. We nervously thought about switching tables as we thought someone might be injured in a freak unidentified falling object accident.

After surviving dinner, I went on a hunt with some other interns for the legendary 2nd floor nap pod. I was convinced it didn't exist and it took us a long time to find it, but we did. It was pretty well hidden in a secluded spot, making it probably the most preferable nap pod in all of Google NYC (I say that because we have 3 buildings now).

One other intern and I also met and talked to the team that works on Songza. I had never heard of it before but it's another Google product. They told us where we could get a "Wallet Glass". We were like "What?!", thinking it was some freak combination of the Google Glass and Google Wallet. Here it is:

Now I can say I have a Google glass... technically I'm not wrong

After that, I got back to work trying to finish this third of the project. I keep ending up leaving late as usual (between 10 and 11) but it's because I enjoy staying late. The hours fly by here. Hopefully by the end of tomorrow I'll have that last extra feature implemented and functional.

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