
My Semi-Technical Blog

3 min read

Today I finally got my code working (minus one extra feature I'm supposed to add) so I'm pretty stoked about that. I won't describe all the tedious and technical steps I had to go through for each test run and code tweak (one run alone takes 5-10 minutes due to cluster latency/scheduling/file transfer), but after many tries it finally works. I'm still not done with my project though.

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Error 404

3 min read

Another day, another bug. Rather than get into the nitty gritty details, I'll just say the client code I'm trying to implement in C++ doesn't exist even as a basic template example anywhere in the entire current codebase. The only client code that ever existed that uses almost exactly what I'm using was deleted long ago and even that wasn't quite enough to help me figure out what I was supposed to do. After figuratively smashing my head into a brick wall for the entire day, I ended up getting the full client code to at least build which is better than nothing (no, not with broken parts commented out, that's cheating).

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4 min read

Today I woke up earlier than normal to meet up with a couple friends from back home to tour Google. It was quite the speed tour as the office is too huge to thoroughly explore and experience in a single day. Seeing as it's the weekend, there was only the food in the dozens of micro-kitchens we passed by. 

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4 min read

Today my friend and I took a trip back over to the Chelsea Market office with the intent of playing the Google claw machine. We had seen an already-assembled Google Cardboard VR headset inside it yesterday and we were hell-bent on winning it. Unfortunately, all the tokens were in the machine and needed to be removed so we were told by the secretary to try again tomorrow, which was today. We came by a little too early although it was only 11 am so we tried again at lunch.

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Time Flies

3 min read

So today was my 1 month anniversary of starting at Google. There was no party but there was the usual New York TGIAF and Google-wide TGIF.

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