
My Semi-Technical Blog

2 min read

I was welcomed back to my home office today after being at the headquarters for 2 weeks. First order of business after getting breakfast: check out the newly renovated second floor my friend was telling me about.

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5 min read

I've come back to the "real world" to finish off my internship. These past two weeks were the best I've had in a long time. I actually didn't want to get on the plane to go back.

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3 min read

Today was a major success as the meeting with the other team to discuss reviewing my code went well. Thankfully they agreed to let me go forward with implementing additional functionality to a current library to avoid having to do a messy workaround for my project. Unfortunately it's probably going to take weeks to get approved since it needs to be properly linked up and extensively tested, but it seems that I've done my part or most of it for this chunk of the project.

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3 min read

Today I made more progress on coding and bike riding. I've been in the testing phase for 2 entire days now and all the tests are passing but I'm still skeptical that they're testing the right things. It's difficult to test whether a program meant to modify jobs on a distributed system works without jobs and without a distributed system for testing.

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4 min read

Today was day 7 of my team's sprint and day 7 of actually coding for me. So far I've cranked out about 1,000 lines of C++ and some internal language, neither of which I have anything past beginner experience with going into my 4th week at Google. I'm still waiting on the first CL to be approved and struggling to write tests for the next project chunk that have proper coverage. Writing tests that pass is one thing, writing tests that check if a program that needs to run on a distributed system works without actually running it on said distributed system is another thing.

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